An Insomnia Story
Insomnia is intimate. It’s fought in the dark and silence, when you feel most alone and vulnerable. We wrestle with our regrets, our deepest, most secret fears, our mountains of To Dos and Wish I Hadn’ts.
We suffer through pains, aches, and tortuous hormone fluctuations (men do too!) all alone. We long for sleep but instead get anarchy.
If you have trouble sleeping, whether it’s for a night or two here and there or a constant battle you fight, you know the pain I’ve just described.
I know it myself, all too well. So well in fact that over the years I’ve developed my own arsenal of holistic techniques I lean on when sleep eludes me. This arsenal and the methods I used to compile it have become Refreshed.
![Safety When Diffusing Essential Oils [Video]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/613a888373b63d3b1cbbcc26/1643752245996-FW58M6C5DGVWGICWDGG0/diffusing-wisdom-3.jpg)
Safety When Diffusing Essential Oils [Video]
Part 3 in the Diffusing Wisdom video series: Safety When Diffusing Essential Oils, and Which Essential Oils Are Best to Use
Why & When to Diffuse Essential Oils [Video]
In Part 2 of Diffusing Wisdom you’ll learn why and when to diffuse essential oils for maximum physical and psychological impact.
Pros & Cons of Essential Oil Diffusers [Video]
In Diffusing Wisdom, Part 1: Types of Diffusers” you’ll learn the pros and cons of ultrasonic and nebulizing essential oil diffusers. I explain the role of habituation in how the two types of diffusers work and what each is best for.
I welcome questions! Put them in comments below and I’ll cover them in future installments!