The Sacred Reset: Harnessing Aromatherapy for Deep, Restorative Sleep

Sleep is essential, not just as a biological function but as a profound reset for our minds, bodies, and spirits. 

During sleep the brain cares for itself. It tidies up our memories, storing away for later the ones it deems important. It sheds waste products and boosts immune cell activity. The hours we spend sleeping are vital to the health of our minds, bodies and spirits. 

When sleep is deep and restful, it feels like magic—offering refuge, renewal, and a sense of wholeness. But when it is lacking, the effects are devastating. 

Without it, we struggle to think clearly, create, and connect meaningfully. We become numb, drained of joy, peace, and vitality. 


“If sleep is truce, as it is sometimes said, 
A pure time for the mind to rest and heal, 
Why, when they suddenly wake you, do you feel
That they have stolen everything you had?”
– from Sleep, Jorge Luis Borges


Sleep is not a luxury—it is a necessity, woven into our very design, and without it, we lose far more than just rest.

What can aromatherapy offer you for help with sleep?

Sleep troubles need a holistic approach, as so much of what we do or don’t do during our days impacts the quality of our sleep. Good sleep starts well before bedtime. 

I’ve organized this by issues that impact sleep so you can scan quickly to find the most relevant information for yourself. I recommend starting with one area and then adding another tool to your sleep regimen every 3 days as needed. This will let you know what is working for you and what either needs tweaking or isn’t for you.

Please note: always check with a qualified medical practitioner before starting anything new, particularly if you are on medications, pregnant, nursing, or have a seizure disorder. I am recommending inhalation of essential oils for this article for most troubles because that is the most beneficial means of getting the most impact from them for sleep issues, and also because it is the safest way to experience them for most people.


Reasons for poor sleep and supportive natural tools

Stress: from your job, finances, relationships, life in general

Aromatherapy tools to support sleep: My go-to for stress-related sleep issues is sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) for its ability to calm the nervous system, reduce cortisol levels (the “stress hormone”), and decrease the heart rate. Reach for sweet orange during bouts of insomnia, as well.

Apply 2-3 drops to a tissue and place next to your pillow before bed. You can also apply 3 drops to a tissue and tuck that into the neckline of your shirt (make sure the essential oil is not touching your skin or the fabric) an hour before bed to prepare your body for rest.

Amplify the aromatherapy with: Elm flower essence supports us when we feel overwhelmed by obligations and commitments, helping us find joy in our work and confidence that we are up to the task of whatever life throws our way. Add elm to your daily water intake (4 drops 4 times per day) for support in releasing perfectionism and unrealistic goals and bringing in calm confidence.

Hormone fluctuations and hot flashes: from menopause, PMS, and menstruation

Aromatherapy tools to support sleep: My go-to for hormone-related sleep issues is geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) for its diuretic, antidepressant, and hormone balancing properties. Diffuse geranium throughout the day to support overall balancing of the hormones. Add a drop of geranium and a drop of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) to a tissue and place it near your pillow before bedtime for a lovely sedative action. Both geranium and lavender have been shown to lower cortisol and work beautifully together to promote deeply restful sleep at times of hormonal fluctuation.

Amplify the aromatherapy with: A cup of passionflower tea before bed. Passionflower helps calm the nervous system and the mind, and cools the body.

Anxiety disorders, depression: and other mental health challenges

Aromatherapy tools to support sleep: My go-to for anxiety- and depression-related sleep issues is neroli (Citrus aurantium var. amara) for its anti-anxiety, antidepressant, and gently sedative effects. Neroli is one of the spendier oils, but a little goes a long way and it works effectively to lift mood-related sleep troubles for most people. Neroli is another essential oil that has been shown to lower cortisol levels and decrease heart rate, as well as calm the nervous system.

Apply one drop of neroli to a tissue and tuck it into the collar of your shirt one hour before bedtime. Place that same tissue (you may need to add another drop if you can no longer smell it) near your pillow before bed.

Amplify the aromatherapy with: A combination of mimulus and aspen flower essences taken throughout the day in water (4 drops 4 times per day) helps you release fears and anxieties. Take chamomile flower essence right before bed to soothe, calm, and stabilize the emotions.

Chronic pain: from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other conditions

Aromatherapy tools to support sleep: For chronic pain and inflammation-related conditions, the most effective application of essential oils includes massaging a specific (and usually unique to individuals’ needs) blend of oils into the affected area. If you suffer from chronic pain, it is crucial that the whole of you, or a holistic approach, is taken to provide the most relief. A private aromatherapy session would be most beneficial.

In general terms, for those suffering with chronic pain, my go-to for sleep troubles is sweet marjoram (Origanum marjorana) for its deeply sedative, pain relieving effects. Sweet marjoram knocks me out personally, and I pull it out when struggling with occasional insomnia especially when coupled with physical pain. Apply 1 drop (no more!) to a tissue and place it near your pillow at bedtime.

Amplify the aromatherapy with: If legal in your state, consider cannabis or CBD tincture at least 3 hours before bed (not right before bed as many think is best) for its excellent pain management properties. CBD gummies give you an inconsistent dose, so I recommend using a CBD tincture where you can start with one drop per evening and work up from there. 

Gastrointestinal disorders: like heartburn and GERD

Aromatherapy tools to support sleep: Like chronic pain, gastrointestinal disorders and their impact on sleep are most effectively approached holistically via a highly individual, specific blend of essential oils and application methods used throughout the day. A private aromatherapy session would benefit most.

In general terms, essential oil of ginger (Zingiber officinale) and peppermint (Mentha piperita) offer indigestion relief when mixed with a carrier oil like jojoba and applied in a clockwise direction over the abdomen before and after meals. I formulated the travel roller to address digestive issues and other discomforts that can derail your travel. Another options is frankincense (Boswelia carteri) which encourages deeper breathing, an activity that releases acid via the lungs and can alleviate heartburn.

Amplify the aromatherapy with: Ginger or peppermint tea after meals can ease digestion and mitigate heartburn, especially when coupled with gentle, deep breathing while you enjoy your tea. 

Sleep disorders: like sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome

Aromatherapy tools to support sleep: Aromatherapy is a wonderful complement to medical intervention for sleep disorders. Diffusing bergamot (Citrus bergamia) essential oil throughout the day and where you sleep can help reduce anxiety and encourage uplifted spirits when managing sleep apnea and CPAP machines. Massage of the legs with sweet marjoram mixed with jojoba oil before bed can ease muscular leg spasms.

Amplify the aromatherapy with: Supplementation of magnesium and B vitamins is often suggested by medical professionals to help with sleep disorders. Check with yours to see if supplements could help you.

Unhealthy lifestyle and sleep habits, such as nutrient-deficient foods, lack of exercise, and poor sleep hygiene

Aromatherapy tools to support sleep: For lifestyle-related sleep troubles my go-to essential oil is bergamot (Citrus bergamia) for its anti-anxiety, uplifting, and gently sedative properties. It reduces cortisol and increases calming neurotransmitters as well.

It takes determination to change one's lifestyle for the better. You have to have the energy for it, and a positive attitude toward it. Bergamot helps with both and thereby helps us make better choices. Diffuse it throughout the day to general support in making a healthier choice, one choice at a time. 

Apply bergamot essential oil to a tissue and tuck it into the collar of your shirt before bed to prepare your body for rest, and use that same tissue for bed, applying a couple more drops of bergamot before climbing in.

Amplify the aromatherapy with: Working with a certified holistic health coach can be a game changer for many people who struggle with making lifestyle changes. Fresh air and sun on your face for a few minutes every morning can also do wonders for mood and sleep support.

Sweet dreams

Sleep returns us to ourselves in a sense. We slip under “its smooth dark wave”[1] and go to our inmost self. 

We learn about ourselves through our dreams. We process emotions and situations. Our bodies regenerate. Our brains recharge and shed the detritus of the day. 

“I suspect that dreams are an integral part of existence, with far more use for us than we’ve made of them… The fine line between the dream state and reality is at times, for me quite grey.”
–David Bowie

Sleep recenters our scattered minds and nourishes our creativity. Our Creator designed us to need sleep. It’s a sacred and necessary reset. If you seek increased vitality and want to feel better overall, improving the quality of your sleep is a good place to start.

Which of these aromatherapy tools will you try first? Let me know how it goes for you in the comments. 

Until then…

“Enjoy the honey-heavy dew of slumber.”
–William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

[1] from “Variation On the Word Sleep” by Margaret Atwood.

Want to purchase the essential oils I myself use? While I don’t often sell essential oils (they are the tools I use in my practice, not often an income stream on their own) I do have an affiliate relationship with one of my most trusted suppliers, Aromatics International. This is an ethical company and woman-owned. I receive a small commission at no cost to you when you purchase essential oils though this link:


Beat the Winter Blues: How Bergamot Essential Oil Can Bring the Sunshine to Your Mood and Spirit