Sleep Better, Feel Better
with Aromatherapy Self-Care
for Insomnia
Refreshed is a 3-month program that gives you a collection personalized, holistic tools and self-care rituals to help you sleep better at night and feel your energetic best during the day. Program fee is $325/month.

The endless night… the painful day
Relentless mental chatter that won’t let you relax.
Woken up by worries or pain that won’t let you go back to sleep.
Unfocused, irritable, and in a fog all day, only to repeat the same maddening pattern night after night.
Why is sleep so elusive?!
Why can’t you sleep?
Insomnia affects more women than men, and can last days, weeks, or become a chronic disorder. Why can’t we sleep?
Stress: from your job, finances, relationships, life in general
Hormone fluctuations and hot flashes: from menopause, PMS, menstruation, and thyroid disorders
Anxiety disorders, depression: and other mental health challenges
Chronic pain: from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and other conditions
Gastrointestinal disorders: like heartburn and GERD
Sleep disorders: like sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome
Unhealthy lifestyle and sleep habits: such as nutrient-deficient foods, lack of exercise, and poor sleep hygiene

An Insomnia Story
How the Refreshed program improved my life
It’s 3:25 a.m. Again.
You’ve tried every natural remedy you can find…
…herbal teas
…meditation apps
…consulting Dr. Google
You’ve even tried essential oils, but nothing is working.

“One in four women has some insomnia symptoms, such as trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or both. About one in seven adults has chronic (long-term) insomnia.”
Imagine going through your day well-rested and energized.
What would that be like?!
Productive and energized, y
ou meet each day’s challenges with positive energy.
You are pleasant and grounded.
You show up more fully, feeling happier, more joyful.
You have more capacity and energy to enjoy your life and the people in it.
Imagine knowing you have at your disposal a collection of natural, botanically-based self-help tools created just for you, that help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

You are invited to join
a 3-month, personalized 1:1 program that dives into why you’re not getting a restful night’s sleep, and provides holistic aromatherapy-based tools to help your mind, body and spirit relax into blissful and rejuvenating sleep.
Sign-up process begins with a 20-minute Discovery Call so we can be sure the program is a good fit for your needs.
What is Refreshed?
A holistic, aromatherapy-based program designed to help you sleep better.
We’ll dig into what’s keeping you from getting restful sleep. You’ll get all-natural, life-long tools to help you sleep like a champion. Among the modalities we’ll explore together: aromatherapy, flower essences, visualization, reflexology, and other holistic wellness approaches.
A collection of customized wellness tools for when sleep is eluding you.
Your own curated cabinet of aromatherapy blends to encourage restful sleep. These could be roller bottles, massage blends, sprays, or other applications - whichever serves your needs best.
3-month supply of three customized aromatherapy blends sent to you via mail, along with detailed instructions for use. Essential oil blends will include flower essences, too.
Single essential oils curated just for your sleep needs, one per month. You’ll learn safe, sustainable applications for each essential oil and blend.
BONUS: You’ll get the added benefits of Dori’s training in reflexology, herbal care, flower essences, Reiki and other energy work, Afformations, visualization, and intuitive downloads to develop rituals and other self-care techniques you can use for now and the rest of your life! What you learn in Refreshed you can use to help your family and loved ones.
Personalized aromatherapy education
All of your aromatherapy self-care and essential oil questions answered in your one-on-one bi-monthly Zoom sessions.
a 60-minute Zoom session each month.
a 30-minute Zoom session each month.
That’s a total of 6 Zoom calls in the duration of the program.
Ask me about the customized blends, essential oils I send you, essential oils you already have, and anything else about which you are curious.
A trusted resource
Your own personal guide + essential oils expert educating you on the safe use of essential oils and other holistic modalities, and providing a safe space to share your issues and challenges via Voxer and email.

3-month program launching April 1, 2022
$325/month USD
Sign-up process begins with a 20-minute Discovery Call so we can be sure the program is a good fit for your needs. Payment plans available.
Don’t dread going to bed!
Have wellness tools at your disposal and tips you can use for the rest of your life, to get you sleeping soundly and waking refreshed.
Maximize your capacity to enjoy your life and your relationships. Don’t let another restless night come between you and your best life. Let’s talk!
About Dori Bell & the Blossom Bar Method
Dori is the “Self Care Aromatherapist,” specializing in educating and blending essential oil products to improve your daily wellness, energy, and joy. From bath to body to home to office, Dori concocts transformation tonics that will help you take loving care of yourself and feel better every day.
She’s a certified aromatherapist and essential oils educator, with over 20 years of experience and education in providing holistic, natural solutions to the challenges we face in our day-to-day lives.
You’ll benefit from the Blossom Bar method when you work with Dori:
Assessment: We work together to identify the core dis-ease + establish goals.
Research + Formulation: Dori customizes the aromatherapy solution.
Implementation + Support: You receive aromatherapy self care tool(s) and detailed instructions on most effective use.
Evaluation: Dori outlines the results and assesses what shifts in approach need to be made.
Note: Dori Bell is a certified aromatherapist with training in the clinical application of essential oils to impact the body positively. She is not a medical doctor. As with any health program, please consult your physician before beginning this program. The tools and techniques offered in Refreshed are designed to encourage a more restful sleep. The program is not a cure for insomnia.